Hi Mitchell, thanks for writing this piece.
I must admit, Jordan Peterson’s writings and talks have really helped me. I have completed Peterson et. al’s Self-Authoring course (I’ve written about my experience with this on Medium), and I think his contributions to mainstream attention to religious teachings is very useful and timely. As most everyone I know is not religious (or would openly say they are), it’s good to have someone reinvigorate the deeper meanings from Biblical stories, that many may write off as no longer relevant.
I do agree that Peterson in more recent times seems more angry and upset. I’m not sure what that is attributable to, but going through serious illness and watching your wife deal with Cancer must have played a very significant role.
I wanted to go back to your comment about Peterson harbouring ‘anti-trans’ views. In my study of Peterson’s work and listening to his interviews, I never thought that. I think Peterson, takes the time to explain precisely what his perspecitve is and I have not heard him espoue ‘anti-trans’ views. Perhaps you can begin by how you define this term? If you mean Peterson believes there are two genders (using biology as the basis for sex differences), can you explain how this would be viewed as anti-trans?
Thanks for your piece Mitchell, very thought-provoking.